It was such a pleasure reading Foal 2!! The story of Foal is so unique and refreshing!
You write so fluidly and eloquently, giving so much information in such a concise and creative way.
I find your creativity so enchanting, the way you use parable, allegory, and fairy tale styles of writing.
You present to us the story of Foal, but we also know that it’s really the story of your own personal experiences, yet at the same time we also know that these are lessons for us all.
I never could be this creative!
The lessons really resonate with me and my own personal experiences, and while they are concepts I already know and believe, the story of Foal really helps their meaning sink in in a profound way.
I got so easily pulled into Foal’s experiences and felt what he was feeling during his interactions and messages with God Supreme and the Angels. As each lesson was passed on to him I felt my own natural reactions as if it were happening to me too.
I’m looking forward to Foal’s adventures in your third book!
Vicky Short (USA)