When I was 21, a very special thing happened. I was invited to a Tibetan meditation by a friend, and I remember being very nervous about it.
It was a first for me. I had never meditated before in my life, but I was interested in Oriental cultures, and so I joined the meditation.
The most vivid memory I have of this event is that as the Lama was approaching each of us with some sacred objects in his hand, all I could think of was that he would immediately know that my mind was all over the place and was doing anything but meditating.
So when it was my turn, I was really ashamed of my unmanageable thoughts and got mentally ready for a scolding.
What happened next defies logic or any rational explanation. As the Lama touched my forehead with some kind of relic, the world disappeared.
I had this great sense of Light, like successive waves of Light coming out, rising out of me, out of my belly, and reaching out and out and out. It happened. Like that.
Unexpected, not even asked for, since I had no idea what to expect or ask for.
After this I found I was changed; so poised, so balanced, so perfect. And I just could not get angry.
Try as I might, even in provoking situations that would have usu¬ally strongly irritated me, anger was nowhere to be found, it just could not rise. I clearly remember myself thinking “Oh, my God! I will never be able to get angry again!”
I was in blissful synch for a few weeks. Then it faded away, but it left a deep mark within me. To this day, I still don’t know why it happened so spontaneously.
The moment of short but intense momentary enlightenment in Foal’s story gives a detailed picture of how it felt to me. It left me stunned and dazed, forced to believe the unbelievable.
While I received all the messages and dreams described here mainly between 2004 and 2010, this experience actually goes back to 1975. And this is actually one of the very few liberties I took.
Before going on with my story, let me stress this. I was so not a New Age person. I can’t stress this enough. New Age was just not my thing. I had actually never even heard of the term New Age until, I found it in a book I was reading, but it was used in such unflattering tones that, from the very start, I was totally biased against it.
Well, one Christmas, just before I turned 50, one of my daughters presented me with a New Age book, On Wings of Light, channeled by Ronna Hermann.
I still remember so clearly that the only reason I started reading it was that I was worried that my daughter might have gotten into a cult, and I wanted to check it out.
In fact, this wonderful book proved to be a true revelation to me and changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined. More than the words themselves, it is what happened while I was read¬ing through it that was a true “wake-up call” for me.
As I was reading a certain passage, the words, “I AM Archangel Michael,” clearly stood out, totally overwhelming me.
I don’t know how to explain this, but while my eyes fell on those words, it felt as if a huge Presence had just landed in front of me and physically struck me on the chest so strongly that I felt like falling back a few feet. And in my mind I heard a voice saying Hey! It is Me! Wake up! Don’t you remember?
I was shaken to the core. This was so incredibly real to me that I struggled for a rational explanation for several days.
To me, this was not one of those things that I could share easily, at least not in my world, so I kept it close inside. And as I struggled to come to terms with it, the stunning dreams started and the out-of-body experiences, too.
What’s more, there was this feeling I could not shrug off of Essences all around me trying to communicate something to me. As I realized that all these incidents must be connected somehow, I came to see that moment with Archangel Michael as a true Clarion call.
All this happened almost at the same time, raising a thousand questions inside me and a desire to know more, to understand more. I naturally fell into this pattern of daily prayer and nightly meditation that started me on this journey of self-discovery.
I received all the messages (and there are so many more, actually) in this book during meditation or just before falling asleep at night. The words would flow so fast in my mind, that often, to keep up with that pace, I had to skip a word or two, if not part of the sentence itself.
What I describe in the book is almost exactly how it happened, or at least, how it was felt and registered by my mind and in my mind. The main liberties I took were to squeeze the six-year span into a shorter story and to leave out some repetitions. As for the dreams and the messages, I have reported them all exactly as they were.
Nana F. Muzaka (aka:Foal)